ICLG - Aviation Finance & Leasing 2022

Our aviation team of Suzanne MuthauraChristopher Kiragu, Lynnette Wanyonyi and Edward Kimuma contributed to the Kenyan chapter of this year's International Comparative Legal Guide - Aviation Finance & Leasing 2022. The publication provides great insights on frequently asked questions in this space.

In this chapter, the team addresses contractual, taxation and related issues; registration and deregistration; security; enforcement and repossession; conventions; liability for damage and environmental; insolvency and searches; and detention and confiscation.

The article was first published in ICLG - Aviation Finance & Leasing. 

Download the chapter below or access the same here

4th Floor, Wing B, Capitol Hill Square, Off Chyulu Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya.
P.O. Box 8418 Nairobi 00200 / T: +254-208697960/+254-202596994 / M: +254 718 268 683

Dropping Zone: No 62, Embassy House
